Considering the current COVID19 circumstances Dream Big Therapy is modifying our operating procedures to meet both Provincial Health and Safety Recommendations and Work Safe BC standards in order to return to in person therapy sessions.
While I understand for the families and children we work with these requirements may be challenging in the beginning, we will work toward developing the new routine with them just as we would with other skills they are working on accomplishing.
Until such time that restrictions can be lifted, the following procedures will be in effect.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. This is a new experience for all of us and I am certain that things will come up as we get back to face to face therapy and modifications can and likely will be made.
Thank you all for your patience and compliance with these new procedures.
Leanne Godwin
Occupational Therapist
Dream Big Therapy
No overlapping of clients. Clients are asked to wait in their cars until the clinician comes out to get them. Upon meeting the client, a verbal screening regarding symptoms of illness and any travel outside the country will be conducted. If signs of illness are present, clients will not be seen for therapy at Dream Big until they have been symptom free for 2 weeks.
Clients will go directly to the bathroom and wash their hands with soap and water then they may enter the office space.
To accommodate cleaning time there will be a mandatory 30-minute gap between clients. If the cleaning process proves too onerous to complete in 30 minutes, then the time can be expanded at the clinician’s discretion.
I have made 8 extra covers for the yogibo cushions as they are key therapeutic tools. So up to two cushions may be used per session and the covers removed for cleaning at the completion of the appointment. Allowing for 4 sessions per day to use them.
Regarding masks, some of the kids we work with will not react well to wearing a mask or us being masked, as such, accommodations can be made for special needs and regular cleaning will help address the potential exposure concerns.
The inside doors to the building will be propped open to minimize contact surfaces including the bathroom to accommodate hand washing upon arrival and departure.
Materials and surfaces that are used/ contacted by the clinician and client will be washed down with an approved disinfectant spray after each session.
The only exception to this is in the case of treating consecutive clients from the same family home. After the second child has completed their session then the disinfecting must be completed.
Soft surface equipment will be limited - for example, no stuffies, or lycra swings will be used during therapy sessions.
Social distancing guidelines for the various age brackets are to be followed the best we can. For example, the 3 years - 7 years old, it is no contact versus the 6 feet of distance. For parents present in sessions regular social distancing guidelines apply.
Cooking activities and snack sharing will be on hold during the COVID 19 circumstances.